The last few days we have had a rare treat for the Pacific Northwest....LOTS OF SNOW!!
The pictures below are mostly from Friday, which was two days ago and it snowed again yesterday and we are expecting more snow today. We probably have about 8 inches or so at our house. Church was canceled today because of the snow. We did make a trip to the grocery store yesterday and it was CRAZY...I mean, crazier than the day after Thanksgiving!
We are having a Christmas Party at our house tonight and have invited all of our neighbors. We're hoping that since it is so snowy and people can't really go anywhere that they'll just walk down the street and come party with us.
Enjoy the pics of the snow from our trip out and about town a couple of days ago!
Oh, and please pray that my family can still get here for Christmas this week!
A cool tree at a little park in our neighborhood.
Check out those icy streets! There aren't even any paths on them today!
Kade getting serious about the snow.
We took Kade to the park and let him play in the fresh snow. He thought it was GREAT!
I think Kade's favorite thing to do in the snow is make tracks! He kept finding places that hadn't been touched and trudged right through like a real adventurer!
Just look at that smile!
Daddy and Kade at the park.
Making monkey faces at each other....totally un-snow related, but cute just the same.
A look out our back door this morning...hopefully, you can tell that we have a LOT more snow now!