I have to start with this picture:

Doesn't that just make you smile?
Mosquito bite on the forehead, and all, isn't that little guy just the best??
I sure think so!
I also think the world of his big brother here:

Who has turned into quite the colorer. Seriously, this boy could color all day long. I most definitely took advantage of the 20 cent boxes of crayolas at Wal-Mart this past week and stocked up!
We had a celebration this week...

Kade turned 3 1/2!!
You might remember me mentioning that we celebrate half birthdays as our own little family tradition. The half-birthday honoree gets to choose what's for dinner and the flavor of their half-birthday cake. Kade chose lasagna for dinner and chocolate/chocolate birthday cake. Since we did the airshow all day the actual day of his half-birthday we had to have a celebration for lunch last Sunday. I remembered why I buy frozen lasagna....it's a lot of work to make lasagna from scratch. But it sure was yummy! Besides, when it's my half-birthday, I can choose to eat out and not have to cook or clean. Yes!
Kade did enjoy the lasagna...

But he was most excited about his chocolate/chocolate cake!
There was a High Seas Expedition in town this week and you guys know how much we Lewallen's enjoy adventure so we couldn't miss out.

This captain charted the course for a week of Vacation Bible School
Kade got to go to his very first week of Bible School!
I checked him in on Monday morning and he went right to work...

Said goodbye to me and Ryne and never looked back!
He did great!
These guys did a great, too:

Deck Hand D and Captain Kyle!
Kyle and Derek had the privilege of doing the opening and closing for VBS each day. They really did do an amazing job.

Ryne and I would hang out to watch in the morning and come early to watch them again before picking Kade up.
Here is a bit of what we caught Kade doing....

holding the rope with his class, making his way to his seat.

snagging his leader's cell phone so that he could type a message

standing in line waiting his turn at the pinata

taking a swing

and another at the floating boat

bagging up some of the candy that rained down from the busted boat
Every day that I picked him up, his teacher said that he did great. And every day he told me what lesson he had learned and all the fun things that he had done.

Ryne had to get his picture taken with Captain Kyle on the last day

all the other children were lining up to have their pictures taken with him.
Isn't that great?
Know what else is great?

This one came from Granna and Paw!
And it had goodies from their trip to Florida!
T-shirts and Airplanes!

I think the boys were especially excited about their airplanes after last week's trip to the airshow. They have been flying them around like crazy.
Speaking of crazy....One night last week we had our friends Corbin and Aeden come over to hang out while their mom and dad went on a date. Those boys had crazy fun!!
They ran and played so hard outside. How hard?
Well, hard enough that we fed them supper and let them have movie night, and this was this result:

Those boys never moved. I'm sure the movie was good, but seriously, come on, you know that they had to be worn out when all four of them sat still for a couple of hours in a row!
My boys are hardly ever still and quiet at the same time!
Ryne, however, did get quiet the other day...quiet enough that I knew it was time to see what he was up to. The first place I always check is the pantry. And sure enough....

I found him there!
Sitting in a box devouring a package of crackers that he had managed to get open.
I'm telling you, there is never a dull moment around here!
Wonder what we will get up to next week?
Doesn't that just make you smile?
Mosquito bite on the forehead, and all, isn't that little guy just the best??
I sure think so!
I also think the world of his big brother here:
Who has turned into quite the colorer. Seriously, this boy could color all day long. I most definitely took advantage of the 20 cent boxes of crayolas at Wal-Mart this past week and stocked up!
We had a celebration this week...
Kade turned 3 1/2!!
You might remember me mentioning that we celebrate half birthdays as our own little family tradition. The half-birthday honoree gets to choose what's for dinner and the flavor of their half-birthday cake. Kade chose lasagna for dinner and chocolate/chocolate birthday cake. Since we did the airshow all day the actual day of his half-birthday we had to have a celebration for lunch last Sunday. I remembered why I buy frozen lasagna....it's a lot of work to make lasagna from scratch. But it sure was yummy! Besides, when it's my half-birthday, I can choose to eat out and not have to cook or clean. Yes!
Kade did enjoy the lasagna...
But he was most excited about his chocolate/chocolate cake!
There was a High Seas Expedition in town this week and you guys know how much we Lewallen's enjoy adventure so we couldn't miss out.
This captain charted the course for a week of Vacation Bible School
Kade got to go to his very first week of Bible School!
I checked him in on Monday morning and he went right to work...
Said goodbye to me and Ryne and never looked back!
He did great!
These guys did a great, too:
Deck Hand D and Captain Kyle!
Kyle and Derek had the privilege of doing the opening and closing for VBS each day. They really did do an amazing job.
Ryne and I would hang out to watch in the morning and come early to watch them again before picking Kade up.
Here is a bit of what we caught Kade doing....
holding the rope with his class, making his way to his seat.
snagging his leader's cell phone so that he could type a message
standing in line waiting his turn at the pinata
taking a swing
and another at the floating boat
bagging up some of the candy that rained down from the busted boat
Every day that I picked him up, his teacher said that he did great. And every day he told me what lesson he had learned and all the fun things that he had done.
Ryne had to get his picture taken with Captain Kyle on the last day
all the other children were lining up to have their pictures taken with him.
Isn't that great?
Know what else is great?
This one came from Granna and Paw!
And it had goodies from their trip to Florida!
T-shirts and Airplanes!
I think the boys were especially excited about their airplanes after last week's trip to the airshow. They have been flying them around like crazy.
Speaking of crazy....One night last week we had our friends Corbin and Aeden come over to hang out while their mom and dad went on a date. Those boys had crazy fun!!
They ran and played so hard outside. How hard?
Well, hard enough that we fed them supper and let them have movie night, and this was this result:
Those boys never moved. I'm sure the movie was good, but seriously, come on, you know that they had to be worn out when all four of them sat still for a couple of hours in a row!
My boys are hardly ever still and quiet at the same time!
Ryne, however, did get quiet the other day...quiet enough that I knew it was time to see what he was up to. The first place I always check is the pantry. And sure enough....
I found him there!
Sitting in a box devouring a package of crackers that he had managed to get open.
I'm telling you, there is never a dull moment around here!
Wonder what we will get up to next week?